Friday, March 23, 2012

Feisty, Spring, and a Fish

Spring is here and Feisty is enjoying every minute of it.
This year Spring brought with it flowers and a fish. His name is Jaq (like the mouse from Disney's Cinderella). Feisty had the honor of naming him. She also takes care of his daily feedings and she is very diligent about her responsibilities. Only a few flecks of food or Jaq will get sick.
Spring! In the park! Oh joy!
Feisty loves her some slide time.
Feisty also loves this little merry-go-round. She begs us to push her faster and faster until her little legs fly out behind her. Dinah tried the merry-go-round and only lasted three rotations until she was begging for Dramamine. 
Oh yeah...this is more my speed. Yee Haw!
Why Feisty, I didn't know you were such a frisbee expert.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Feisty and the National Cathedral

Feisty, her dad, and I went to the National Cathedral today. On the way there Feisty kept asking her father what a cathedral was. He replied that a cathedral is like a large church. Her reply was, and I quote, "Are you kidding me!?! Saturday is a rest from church!!!!!!!! I will kick your butts and drive this car home!!!!!!!" Her father then informed her that by a church, he meant a building, that we were going to tour. She calmed down...slightly.
The National Cathedral was built in 1907 and it is GORGEOUS! It is still being repaired from the 2011 DC earthquake.
I am so in love with the gothic architecture.
Smile Feisty! She asked me to make sure her missing tooth gap was showing.
Feisty was given a National Cathedral sticker. Your forehead is an excellent place for it Feisty.
Feisty and I both loved the observation area in one of the towers. Check out the view from seven stories up.
Flying buttresses - my favorite!!!!
Feisty is taking lots of pictures. Check out that concentration.
A Feisty photo.
Hi Dinah!
Hi Feisty's foot!
She has already mastered the self-portrait.
Another Feisty photograph.
Oh Feisty! I didn't see you there. Be sure to get my good side. Yes...up my nose...that is my good side.
Feisty loved the beautiful stained glass windows.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Inspiration for Feisty

This man is so inspiring. I want Feisty to know that in life anything is possible with determination and hard work.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Well That is One Way to Deal with a Loose Tooth

Feisty likes to dance when she brushes her teeth. Today she accidentally brush-danced a semi-loose tooth out of her mouth.

Monday, March 5, 2012

It's the Chesapeake Bay Feisty!

In the fall, Feisty and I visited the beautiful Chesapeake Bay.
Feisty decided to test out the water.
It's a little on the cold side.
Perhaps we should stick to building sand castles.
 Feisty is a pro!
Look! A blue crab. Oh no! It's a dead blue crab. What should we do Feisty?
Right - bury it.
Well, we built a sand castle and buried a crab. Are you ready to head home?
Is that a yes?
One more pose for the road.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


"Dinah, can I try your face scrubber?"
In hindsight I probably should have said no.

Li-Berry of Congress

Last week I promised Feisty that I would take her to the Library of Congress the following weekend. All week I asked her, "Where are we going?" and she would reply, "Li-berry of Congress."
I told her the Library of Congress is the world's largest library. She asked if the library had a copy of Green Eggs and Ham. I told her it did. I told her the library also controls copyright and that any author that would like copyright protection must submit two copies of their book to the Library of Congress. Because of this the Library of Congress has to operate out of a number of buildings. Feisty then informed me she owns a copy of Green Eggs and Ham and she has read THE ENTIRE BOOK. I  informed her I was impressed.
When the weekend arrived, Feisty and I drove to DC (the Metro was being worked on). I was nervous driving in the city for the first time, but it actually went really well. I found a parking meter right by the library and we started our adventure.
Feisty's father gave her a disposable film camera. As soon as I taught her how to work it, she went to town. While I kept taking pictures of the ceiling, Feisty opted to document the floor.
Upstairs we go.
Feisty is standing in front of one of the many murals depicting a various virtue that reside upstairs. This particular virtue is "Courage." At the end of the day when we were walking back to the car, Feisty had a moment where she didn't think she would make it. I told her that she could do it and that we were almost to the car. She replied, "I have courage. I can do it." I think the mural made an impression.
That floor is FABULOUS!
The Li-berry was so much fun. Where should we go next?
"Dinah, I ran out of film. Can I use your camera?"
So many things to photograph - my skirt.
My skirt.
Taking pictures has made me hungry. CUPCAKES!
Now that we are sugared up, where should we go? I know! The Botanical Gardens!
"Dinah, can I take more pictures?"